Kat Toronto

Social Distancing #23
Kat Toronto aka "Miss Meatface" @missmeatface 

London, UK, March, 2020

"When we went into lockdown here in London I had grandiose visions of days upon days of working dawn til dusk on creative projects but as the days, and then weeks, progressed I found myself riding an hourly roller coaster of emotions and unable to focus on any kind of tasks at hand. I got angry with myself, depressed, sad, frustrated. Here I was with all this time and yet I couldn't find the energy to get up and do a shoot or even edit images. I was one of the lucky ones that was actually able to spend my time in lockdown creating and yet I couldn't muster up the motivation or emotional strength to do anything at all. We are now at over two weeks since the lockdown and I can (albeit very slowly) feel myself coming out of the coronavirus media frenzy fog. I am able to think about things other than the daily death toll and I've actually begun to settle into this new way of "life on lockdown"...sort of. I am determined to be more kind to myself and take life one day at a time, to be as kind to others as possible and to not let the news and social media get the best of me." - Kat Toronto