Virginia Wright

Social Distancing #55
Virginia Wright @virginiawrightx 

Springfield Virginia, April 2020 .

“I’ve been in isolation since 12th March. I am with my parents, which is both a blessing and a curse. Before this all happened, I was feeling a bit overworked, exhausted and in need of a break, so initially I was thrilled to hear that I didn't have to go into work the next day. I did not expect this to go on for as long as it has. I've been making the most of my time, taking up new hobbies, working on new music, exercising regularly, sleeping A LOT and obviously, catching up on my TV shows. I'm happy that the planet is getting a small window of a chance to heal itself. I'm worried and angry about how this administration is inciting hatred and racism towards Asians, calling it The "Chinese Virus". I worry about the growing number of cases and for my friends and family. And I am curious as to how the economy and society will function once this passes. And by the way, once this does pass, MEN BEWARE! I will be on the prowl. I've never been so thirsty 😈👅” -Virginia Wright .