Boo Sutcliffe

Social Distancing #22
Boo Sutcliffe @boosutcliffe
Birmingham, UK, March, 2020

“I have been quarantining since the 20th of March, when my place of work stopped trading. The company I work for secured us furlough pay which I am so grateful for because I live with my sister in our home and need to pay bills.

Like everyone my routine is shot, which has taken a toll on my mental health. I love to interact with people and I work in retail where I’m used to talking to at least 100/200 people daily. Now its just my sister and It’s an adjustment!
Im trying to focus on the positives, like reflecting and thinking about my future as an artist, but not being able to see my partner is a huge test. This experience has brought us closer together and we speak on the phone/FaceTime a lot. My partners Mum is one of many key workers that are continuing to protect and save the lives of countless people across England and the world. My grandmother was a nurse for 57 years & I know if she was still here today she would be at the forefront of this pandemic aswell so I have outstanding respect for anyone who risks their lives to care, restore life and hope to this world in this terrifying time.

My hopes for the future are that we keep strong, grieve the lives lost and keep them alive in our hearts and memories forever.
We have to support the NHS and STAY HOME.
Wash your hands like you’ve just chopped hot chillies and need to put in eye contacts and be grateful.
Our boredom is a blessing.” - Boo Sutcliffe