Olivier Vinet

Social Distancing #120
Olivier Vinet @olivinet_makeup
Montreal. June, 2020
“Québec has been hit pretty hard by Covid-19, we have lost so many grand-mothers, grand-fathers, and love ones. I suspect it could be a result of our habit of greeting with kisses on cheeks....oh well...
Sadly this resulted in laws of emergency health where everyone was in quarantined. People were losing their jobs, losing their company, losing their dreams and opportunities. We soon saw how critical and how crucial it was to buy local and support our own community. 
I felt so grateful to have a safe place to be in quarantine, with my loved one and our doggo kids. We understood how privileged we were to live the pandemic in our home.
Every day the prime minister would do a press conference to keep us in the loop, and every day it was sadness, fear and frustration. People dying of a disease is a thing, but seeing people die because of the consequences of our government who NEVER cared about our elders, our nurses and our care centers, was so painful. Now we know what to do next - how important it will be to make HARD changes for the future, and we can do it if we VOTE!
I felt useless at the beginning, being in my house, healthy, with all this willingness to help, but didn’t really know how to do it.
So I did what I do best... Make up!
I started these personas, sometimes with back stories, and a little makeup video, so I could give a little dreamy world to my community and ease the sadness. But it also helped me keep a healthy state of mind with my art.
I understood how important is was to take care of YOU, so you can take care of others and inspired people to do the same.
Covid-19 sucks... but it definitely changed a lot of things in this fucking world... take care love!” -Olivier Vinet