Jackie J


Social Distancing #118
Jackie J @jackiejervo
Liverpool. June, 2020
“Oh please, party in the truck for one more time!
At first, the thought of isolation and shutting down from my first year of uni seemed to feel absolutely horrendous. The thought of leaving the life of endless socialising, late party nights and copious amounts of booze - I was not ready to totally say goodbye to when it was interrupted by covid-19. Since being in lockdown, I have had time to actually focus on self-care and leap back into the spiritual world. I actually believe lockdown came at the right timing in my life for me to realise many things that have stopped me from let’s say “bad habits”. I've swapped the party life for Meditation, yoga & Buddhism. Some could call me Buddha Jackie now. The power they say and strength is within every human. Isolation I cannot be more thankful for.” Jackie J