Damien Frost

Social Distancing #128
Damien Frost @harmonyhalo
London. June, 2020

“ I had no idea when I started these remote portraits at the end of March - just as we were all going into quarantine that it would become such an all consuming project but it’s allowed me to find a focus and provide an outlet for my energies during this strangest of periods. Meeting amazing people, making new friends and catching up with old friends all over the world via video chat has been an unexpected joy and helped distract me from the uncertainty and anxiety lurking in the background. Strangely, this quarantine has been one of the most relaxing periods of my life where I’ve been able to get enough sleep, go for long bike-rides and eat wonderful meals. Despite this there’s been a shadow on the wall - a Damocles sword of redundancy looming over the proceedings entire time and that uncertainty gets drawn more real as the days and weeks go by and like others that work in theatre and live entertainment there feels like a blurred veil of mist hanging obscuring what the future holds. I am so incredibly grateful for all the people took part in this project, despite often being in the midst of difficult circumstances and for everyone else who came along for the ride and leant their support - thank you.
” - Damien Frost